3 July 2008

Hello Washington...

I am guest posting on IAAP's Capital Chapter blog site so I wanted to say hello in case any visitors head over my way.

I have been keeping in contact with the newly elected President in Washington (of IAAP that is) over the last year and she asked me to write a post on being a legal assistant. She tells me it will be posted tonight, so you can read it on their blog tomorrow. I will be out of blogging range as I continue my vacation, but wanted to touch base and give you the link.

For those who are interested in a career as a legal assistant, it is an interesting field to get into and can be rewarding and challenging as you get a taste of what being behind the scenes in law is all about.

I have just accepted a position as an Executive Assistant so will be leaving the legal field at the end of the month, but I have enjoyed my time in law and have learned so many things. Like any job I will especially miss my co-workers.

I am, however, looking forward to the challenges of being an EA. Once I have settled in I will write an article about making the jump from AA to EA as I am sure I will be on a big learning curve in the coming months, but I am looking forward to this new challenge.

Again, welcome to my Washington IAAP friends and Happy 4th of July,
